Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"Get Down!" "No!"

I guess best friends are liable to have a falling out at one point or another. Sylvie climbed into Zoe's fancy new stroller while we were hanging out in the park. Zoe didn't like it and thus began the battle of words. "Get Down!"..."No!" went on for several minutes and luckily we were able to capture a few seconds of it. It ended with a few moments of silence and a "Hi" from Zoe.

Have no fear, the feud was over quickly and the bff's were walking hand and hand once again.


Heather Peterson said...

hilarious that they didn't seem remotely upset, the "fight" was just sort of put on! I'm glad they made up in the end.

Statia Grossman said...

I really wish one of us had busted out the video sooner! I think we were too busy laughing at them!