Tuesday, November 6, 2007

You Should See the Slide!

I guess it's all part of toddlerhood - the falls, the spills...But it sure is hard not to feel guilty when it happens right in front of you. Sylvie went down the big slide at 9th street on her belly like she usually does, but this time bashed her eye at the very end. It all happened in slow motion and before I knew it, she had a big, fat, swollen blue eye!

So sorry to my friend Mick who came to Brooklyn to meet Sylvie for the first time and ended up playing nurse with me. You were a big help Mick. (Nice work with the puppet distractions).

Sylvie handled it all really well and thankfully our landlord, who is an ER doctor, came upstairs and assured me that she was fine. His mother always told him, "When a child falls, they grow". I took some comfort in that. All part of becoming a big girl I guess.


Statia Grossman said...

Yikes! Poor Sylvie and poor mom!

Sophia Grace said...

Poor Sylvie!!! The first of many boo-boo's to come :(

Unknown said...

You know, when it's your third... you'll notice it three days later and think to yourself, now how did that happen?

I LOVE her in pigtails by the way - I'm very jealous... it'll be a long time before my little 'un has enough hair for pigtails.

bity said...

Oh no Sylvie! You know, a similar thing happened to Eva. It really is just a toddler hood right of passage. Now if you can just ignore all the awkward stares :)~ She 's certainly got her groove on in the latest post.


Marisa said...

My Baby Girl is still beautiful <3

Miss you!
